Don’t drop the ball, secure your vehicle

Police Minister Mark Ryan and Brisbane Region Acting Assistant Commission Brian Wilkins today launched a three-part crime prevention video series featuring local Bayside resident Wally Lewis to help reduce motor vehicle offences in the community.
The first instalment focuses on vehicle security; an effective measure that only takes a few seconds and helps prevent thefts from and theft of vehicles.
In 2017, approximately 4,100 thefts from vehicles were reported in the South Brisbane District.
Acting Assistant Commissioner Wilkins urged members of the community to secure their vehicles when leaving them unattended, even when parked at home.
“A reduction in crime can be achieved by preventative methods being adopted by the community that help stop offences from happening in the first place,” Acting Assistant Commissioner Wilkins said.
“Locking your vehicle doors and ensuring all windows are closed are basic, yet effective security measures to reduce the chance of having your vehicle broken into.”
Securing your vehicle increases

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