St Ollie’s Opens New Ballygriffin Building in Cannon Hill For Year One Students

St Oliver Plunkett

To keep up with its growing student population, St Oliver Plunkett Primary School in Cannon Hill has opened its newest building, the $2.4-million Ballygriffin Building on 28 August 2019 at the school’s quadrangle. 

The building, consisting of Year One classrooms and dynamic playspace in undercroft, is just the first stage of the school’s masterplan. 

Stage 2, which will be constructed in late 2019, will feature a purpose-built administration and library resource hub and learning space. Stages 3 and 4 will be for the construction of four new prep classrooms and refurbishment of current prep Classrooms for teaching space for specialist teachers respectively.

According to School Principal Paul Blinkhoff, St Ollie’s had grown from 480 students in 2016 to an expected enrolment of 600 students in 2020. Throughout the years, there has been a rapid high density development in Camp Hill’s demographic. 

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Meanwhile, the name of the building was derived from a place in County Cork, Ireland where the school’s Presentation Sisters, Nano Nagle was born.

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The Masterplan was created to include flexible and innovative teaching and learning spaces. The Queensland Government supports the school’s Masterplan and even contributed $750,000 to the project.

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In addition to the four stages in its Master Plan, St Ollies announced that the school and parish have come to an agreement regarding the transfer-of-use of the parish presbytery and Centacare house building.