Work Starts on the Brisbane International Cycle Park in Murrarie

Brisbane International Cycle Park

Construction has begun for Queensland’s very own Olympic-standard Brisbane International Cycle Park at the Murrarie Recreation Reserve.

In February 2023, Brisbane’s cycling enthusiasts had their last ride at the old cycling track before the fences went up to close part of the site in preparation for the upgrades. Per Cr Lisa Atwood, the construction of the bigger facility is expected to be underway for at least 12 months. 

The Brisbane International Cycle Park project came together with the cooperation of three levels of government, according to Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner. It will link to the existing cycling track, spanning 1.4 kilometres, at the Balmoral Cycling Clubhouse, as well as the shared cycling tracks on Wynnum Road and the Bulimba Creek bikeway.

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The project is also expected to deliver:

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  • international level criterium tracks and a 500-metre inline skating track
  • a new multi-purpose clubhouse for events
  • an upgraded car park which will formalise the car park and install up to 200 spaces, re-purposing the existing track to a multipurpose shadow track to allow for multiple recreational users and uses
  • new fencing, walkways and planting
  • new multi-level, multi-purpose clubhouse for various community use
Brisbane International Cycle Park
Photo Credit: BCC

During the construction, the Bulimba Creek Bikeway, the Wynnum road connection and the Northcliffe Street bridge connection to the Avenue pathway will still be accessible.

“The Brisbane International Cycle Park project aims to establish the reserve as a premier destination for international cycling, enhance the capacity of the reserve to meet sporting and recreation needs, and provide the community with safe pedestrian access, and cycle links to the wider Brisbane bikeway network,” Council stated

“Once complete, the Brisbane International Cycle Park at Murarrie Recreation Reserve will support Brisbane’s cycling community in the lead up to and long after the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic games.”

Published 9 March 2023