Don’t Miss Out! Stunning Hologram Zoo to Open in Cannon Hill

Hologram Zoo
Photo Credit: Hologram Zoo/Facebook

Did you know that the Hologram Zoo is now open, on a limited run until Christmas Eve? Featuring more than 50 laser-generated lifelike animals such as dinosaurs and whales, plus the latest in smell technology, this exhibit is a must-not-miss treat!

The Hologram Zoo will feature more than 50 laser-generated 3-D animals on display that visitors could view using special glasses instead of Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. 

The zoo will also incorporate smell technology of rain, flowers, waterfalls, and the desert so that visitors will enjoy a full experience. Axiom Holographics has tapped Luxaroma, another Australian company, for the smell technology.

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Hologram Zoo
Photo Credit: Hologram Zoo/Facebook

Axiom Holographics is launching the unique zoo for a limited run at the Cannon Hill Plaza on Wynnum Road. It will be trialled from the 10th until the 24th of December but could become a permanent destination for families.

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Axiom Holographics founder Bruce Dell — who has done holograms for science organisations, the government and military — is thrilled to be launching his first Hologram Zoo after years of learning about the technology’s development. 

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Holograms are notoriously expensive and operational expenses for a hologram zoo could easily run up to an exorbitant amount but Mr Dell has developed a cost-effective way to use the technology, earning himself a tech award in Silicon Valley, California in 2019.

After the trial run in Brisbane, Mr Dell might also take the Hologram Zoo on a roadshow to the U.S., Japan, and Europe. 

Tickets to the Cannon Hill run are now up for grabs and selling fast. Check the official site for more info.