Recent Morningside Mural Leaves Passers-by Baffled and Amazed

Photo credit: Featured image screen capped from

Drive along early in the morning at the eastern side of the Cleveland Rail Bridge. There’s a really interesting mural that emerged recently in that part of Morningside. It’s strangely eye-catching that it’s guaranteed to wake you up! It seems to have been spray-painted by a Griffith University PhD student from Thailand with an award-winning portfolio.

“I was going through Morningside just the other day when something incredible caught my eye. … Looks like a huge mural full of incredible dancing figures! Where did it come from? And who painted it? Are we being invaded? Should I get my palm read?” said ABC Radio’s audio report. Indeed, the interesting new mural leaves every passersby baffled and awed.

The eye-catching mural is said to have been there for only a couple of weeks now. It’s apparently “so new” that a lot of people has no idea yet of its existence. They tracked the artist down for some much-needed answers.

Apparently, the huge artwork “seeks to physically harmonise passers-by with the environment around them.” So, who painted it and how did it come to be? Find out the amusing story of the brave and talented artist who was almost arrested for creating this masterpiece of a street art.

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